Monday, March 10, 2008

Wow! Almost 2 years!

All I can say for my not updating for 2 years is that I was one sick puppy. LOL

Without all the gory details, I got sick on Thanksgiving day 2006 and found out after (out patient) surgery , then a week later, a four day hospital stay ,(with every test under the sun done), I have Celiac Disease.

For those not familiar, it means I am allergic to all Gluttens. No more, pasta, bread, cookies, pastries, pizza, and such as I have known.

I am now happy and healthy and enjoying my grandsons Alex and Theo, more every day.

I have been stitching up a storm and really need to update so, look for more to come!

1 comment:

chumly said...

Hope you are better. For a minute I thought you were allergic to the Boston Celtics?!?